Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day 104 - April 14, 2010

Well, lately Timmy's has been good to me. Although my odds on their Roll Up the Rim contest haven't been kind to me, I'm now officially 2 for 14. I know, it's not great, but I'm already ahead of last promotion's pace. I've gotta find a smile somewhere, right?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 103 - April 13, 2010

It seems to be the week to catch up with friends. Another colleague this time, dropped by after work and we chatted and chatted. She's an amazing person, very smart, funny, and the most dedicated person I know (to whatever she is doing). She's passionate about her interests and spends her time split between teaching and working with an GHNI, "Global Hope Network International (GHNI) is a non-profit, private humanitarian aid organization who believes that it’s possible to bring not only hope, but change, to the poorest villages of the world."

Heng-Zi Lo is going to be somebody very special. Hey world, watch out for this one, she's going places!!

Check out her blog. It's full of awesome info and more!

The above picture was scooped from her blog's photostream.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Day 102 - April 12, 2010

Caught up with a good friend and colleague over a couple of bevy's at the local Golden Spike. If there is anything in life that is worth anything, it is that you have good friends. They take you far in life, help you, support you, make you laugh, pick you up, and occasionally let you know that you're wrong. haha, Heck, they'll even make fun of you. That's how you know they really care. Here's to you, my good friend.

This picture isn't mine, I found it on Flikr and thought it was an interesting picture for a pub, if you catch my drift. It can be found here.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Day 101 - April 11, 2010

Today was the Vancouver Whitecaps Season opener. It was a beautiful day for a soccer game. I'm pretty excited for the season, especially since it is the last one before the team shifts up to the MLS. Love playing and watching soccer, so let's hope for a championship season!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Day 100 - April 10, 2010

Ahh, I've hit the century mark with my 365. What a journey. Fell off the wagon a few times, but I'm back on and I know that it will be all worth it in the end. I have to admit, it's a lot of work! Hopefully someone is reading this! :)

The above picture can be found here

Friday, April 9, 2010

Day 99 - April 9, 2010

Tis the season to be back playing summer hockey. Rollerhockey to be exact. Its great, mainly because my close friends formed a team and we all play together. Win or lose, it's a great time. We keep fit, share some stories, and generally have a good time.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Day 98 - April 8, 2010

Tonight was Wings night at the local neighbourhood pub. Can you really go wrong if you go to a place with a great atmosphere, great service, and some great wings? Of course not. Samz, I salute you.